If you're a newbie to internet marketing, you absolutely need to understand the points below. 1. Stop drinking the kool-aid Many product sellers make money selling products and don't actually use the methods they talk about. Their sales stats mean nothing. The video testimonials are often from friends who mutually backslap each other. These mean nothing either. They can't give a rat's roasted rectum if you make money or not. That's the truth. 2. Don't buy every WSO you see. Many people have made their hard drives a burial ground for WSOs and other info products. Stop buying and start selling. 3. Focus, focus and focus This is crucial. Focus on only 1 niche in IM. It could be video marketing, product creation, Facebook ads, etc. Whatever it is, choose one and go deep. If you choose video marketing, then it's fine to buy or look and download 10 or 20 WSOs on video marketing. Most products will be crap but you might glean a useful t...
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